The techniques for contouring are as varied as the individual woman. That's what makes it such a unique and personal experience. Still there are some basic techniques that apply to all faces.
Typical parts of the face that will benefit with contouring:
- the cheek bones
- the bridge of the nose
- and around the forehead area
- and for added dimension, under the chin, for a slimming effect if desired
Whether using cream or powder, the key to a flawless contour is to BLEND... BLEND... and BLEND some more.
Did you know that contouring can do all of this:
- give you an incredible look especially for the shape of your face
- draw attention to your best features
- conceal many unflattering features
- give you a fuller look if desired
- complement a thin face
- bring balance to the entire face
- give you the look of a flawless complexion
- be easy enough for a daily routine
- and much, much more!
Depending on the results you’d like to accomplish, contouring can be applied to all of the places I’ve suggested or to just one area…or to a combination of areas. That means you can develop contouring techniques that can work for you on a very special occasion or can be used for a quick, everyday pick-me-up.
One of my highest recommendations is, “Don’t overlook the cheek bones”.... that's a great place to start your contouring, especially if you are trying to learn the techniques of contouring on your own.
Of course, my primary recommendation is to connect with me. Relax and allow me give you a professional contouring session, especially for your unique face, complexion and skin type. You'll come away with a dazzling new look and full of self-confidence.... plus you’ll be on my mailing list to learn about new trends in contouring for the future. I'm Looking forward to seeing you soon!